This college without walls would stimulate the Experts with keen scientific intellect for
exchange of views on Biological and Clinical Cardiology through conferences, workshops and
publication of academic material of international standard at cheaper cost of developing world
for educating the experts working in newly industrialized and developing countries.
1- The Aims and the Objects of the College.
(1) To arrange national and international meetings irrespective of caste, creed,
religion, sex or place of residence for exchange of view on recent research on
Atherosclerosis, hypertension, Coronary artery Disease and diabetes.

(2) To arrange refresher courses for the qualified and registered medical practioners
in different parts of the world. Such courses shall not impart basic medical
education leading to award of degree.

(3) To publish journals, news bulletins and other such materials for the knowledge of

the members of the college, health education of people and advice the
governments for proper policies on Prevention of Cardiovascular Diseases.
(4) To award Fellowships to the eminent workers for recognition of their work
on Prevention of CVDs and Diabetes. (This is not to award any diploma for
practice in Canada).

(5) To raise funds by subscriptions, research grants and donations and other means
for the above objects and administering of funds raised as aforesaid thereof.
(6) To purchase land and raise a building for the academic activities of the college.
(7) All other activities which in the opinion of the society will be conductive to or

subserve any or all of the aims listed above.

2- Membership of the College, Classes of members and termination of membership.
Post graduate physicians with MD/MS/MRCP/FRCS/PhD qualification that are interested
in the research can become ordinary member.
Graduate (MBBS) doctors and non-physicians such as Biochemists, Nutritionists,
Veterinary, doctors, Dietitians, Fundamental thinkers with M.Sc; or Ph.D; qualification
shall not offer their candidature for the office of the President , Secretary General and
Executive director to safeguard the interests of the clinicians. However all can apply for
the member/fellowship of the ICC.
b- LIFE MEMBER (Euro.300.00)
Any person who is qualified for ordinary membership can apply for life membership with
required fee which includes the cost of journal to be published in due course.
c-FELLOW MEMBER,FICC (Euro.50.00 additional)
Fellowship is a recognition of academic achievements and not of promise, Fellows are
more likely to be elected for academic responsibilities in the College. All fellows have to be life
members and ordinary members should not apply for fellowship.
Persons with international eminence would be invited to become Hon. Fellow. They
would be paying only the cost of the journal. Late Dr Franz Halberg, MD, FICC is the Hon.

Conferences and Meetings